IT Archeology
or how I became a programmer
Maciej Małecki
delivery architect at 
1989» BASIC → 6502 Asm → Turbo Pascal → x86 Asm → C++
→ Delphi → Java → JavaScript → TypeScript → ? »2019
Chuck joined Motorola in 1973
1972-1974: Intel 8080
1971-1975: Motorola 6800
cheap version of MC6800
300$ → 20$
Altair 8800 - 1974
MOS 6502 - 1975
Motorola lawsuit
November 1975
Two guys struggling with their design
Apple I: finally revealed in 1976
November 1976
Commodore acquires MOS Technology
What was Commodore doing at this moment?
Calculators based on MOS chips
The 1977 Trinity
By Springsgrace - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
1978: Peddle goes to Apple to join Lisa project
bye bye $$$ :-(
Peddle leaves Apple in 1979, joins Commodore again
bye bye even more $$$ :-(
1980: Peddle leaves Commodore for good
Got sued by Commodore; bye bye rest of $$$
meanwhile Commodore sells over 1 million of VIC-20...
a record to be soon beaten by Commodore 64
1982-1994, 12.5-17 million
Where can we find 6502 and its variants?
Apple II
Commodore PET 2001
Atari VCS
Atari 800
Commodore VIC-20
Commodore 64
Atari 7800
BBC Micro
Nintendo Famicom
Nintendo Entertainment System
Apple IIe
Commodore Plus/4
Commodore 128
Racing the beam
A Carol Shaw story
An author of River Raid game (1982)
WIKI Commons, PD
Live coding in Assembly?
It's gonna be fun
All stuff on Github